Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sixteen month...

Yes 16 months have passed since the day I came into that crafts store and bought a couple of pink beads.  I had always been curious about making handmade jewelry  but since I do not wear anything like that myself  I was not really serious about it.  I guess  I was just bored or something so I tried to put all those pretty pearls I've got on a single thread and Tadaaaa!!! I was amazed by the rezult. I fell in love! I was soo happy! I thought that my necklace was simply gorgeous(:hehe). Even more than the necklace itself I liked the process of putting all those little peaces together. It requires so much creativity and thinking to make the composition look random and balanced at the same time. You can take a look at my first piece of art yourself(:[gallery columns="2"]

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